What’s In My Camera Bag 2020
Giantkiller Studios- What’s in my Camera Bag
After a lot of research and testing over past year or so this is what I've found to be the best solution for my needs as a film maker. I'll walk you through the equipment I use in my main camera bag and the techniques I use to help my shoots go more smoothly.
Disclaimer. All my gear has built up over he course of 5 years. If your a beginner you may have a heart attack of how much camera gear costs. Another trick is to kill your wallet all in one go and then resuscitate it with a year or two of no spending. Or eating.
As Always, I’ve included links to everything I use below. Clicking those links helps me out to make more of these vids.
What’s in my main camera Bag?
I have a habit of carrying more gear than I need and this 20L everyday peak design bag helps me to only carry the essentials when on smaller shoots. Don’t let the small size fool you, this bag is awesome.
Laptop. It’s a 2014 MacBook Pro. It’s been great but It’s starting to show its age. Well, It’s been starting to show its age for the past year to be honest. It has been a workhorse and I’ll be sorry to see it go.
So, I Still carry it at the moment but my iPad is slowly taking over the reigns as my go to travel device. I use it all the time. I use it for Emails, video research, books and the pencil is awesome for editing those Instagram bangers. Even though my posts are more like a little Instagram sizzle rather than a bang.
Filter Case which can hold up to 5 86mm round filters. this little sucker holds my Variable Nd filter when its not on the front of my camera. Don't put it in your pocket. you're asking it to get scratched. I've also got a 1/4 pro mist filter. Cool little filter that makes the highlights in skin tones bloom and even out. Really great for beauty shots and music videos.
1 terra bite solid state Samsung drive. Small and portable. Its on my top 10 list of accessories for 2020. Check out the video HERE
Sony a7s2 I missed the bus on the A73. I was like ahh I’ll wait for the a7s3. If it doesn’t come out this year, I’m getting a A73.
Rode videomic pro. Very old version of it but it’s still going strong. Never rely on the built in audio of your camera folks. It sucks.
Colour checker Video passport. If you have a messed up image, This little item can save your bacon when it comes to colour correction. I bring it with me all the time on shoots.
Sony 70 to 200 f4 Lens. Use this all the time for events and weddings.
The sony 35mm 1.8 is the newest addition to the family. not too wide and not too narrow. it sits sweetly in the middle. and I love the buttery depth of field i get with this little fella.
24 to 70 is my work horse lease. It pretty much stays on my camera 85% of the time. I lose my lens caps all the time.
USB Battery This will charge up my laptop, iPad and even keep my Sony camera going all night when I’m shooting time lapses too.
Battery case. The battery life on the A7S2 is horrendous. Im mean really bad. So i try and keep 5 to 6 batteries on me at all times just in case.
Camera cleaning kit with microfibre cloth, air blower, soft brush and cleaning fluid.
Atomos Ninja V. way better than a built in LCD on the back of a camera. Records too. Click HERE to watch my video on the other reasons why I love this monitor.
EDC pocket organiser from Maxpedition. Tried the micro pocket organiser which is smaller version of this but it didn't quite fit all the extras that I need to carry in there. so I went for this one. It carries extra HDMI cables spare lav mic and tools to take apart accessories and things.